Friday, March 6, 2009

Speechless Post

This post is brought to you by two words: Strep Throat.

Not only can I not really talk, I don't have the energy to type. I haven't battled strep throat in years, so I feel a bit off kilter. The pain is similar to when I had my tonsils removed ten years ago, and the lethargy is similar to what I experienced when I had mono fifteen years ago. But thankfully I saw the nurse practitioner this morning and started antibiotics shortly thereafter. I pray the healing's on its way!


Renae said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Momma Bean said...

Oh have mercy, I hope you feel better soon. I had strep the week before Christmas and wanted to die. Thinking of you!

Alyssa said...

R & MB - Thanks for your sweet wishes! My throat is feeling much better, so now I'm just back to battling allergies, which is part of my everyday life until about May.

Krista Sanders said...

I am such a pitiful friend. You must have felt terrible when I you came by Walgreens bringing me "pep in a cup". Thanks for coming to the banquet in spite of.