Monday, December 9, 2013

Counting His Gifts During the Ice Storm

The ice arrived Thursday evening, and I've been home bound (quite happily I might add) ever since. Thankfully, we had notice of the storm's approach days' in advance, and I was able to stock up on food and prepare for time at home. But being home in the midst of such harsh weather has opened my eyes to gifts that often go unnoticed. Never have I been more thankful for sustained electricity and a salaried job that does not require me to get out in this weather, and never have I been more prayerful for those without power and those whose jobs require that they show up in spite of the ice. I know that many people, both businesses and individuals, will suffer financially as a result of multiple days when businesses were closed or when no one got out to support them while they were open; may the Lord provide for them financially in spite of this time of inclement weather. Here's what else made my gift list during the past few days:

--getting to watch the live telecast of The Sound of Music and for its strong Christian message
--being able to enjoy this view

--first Jesse Tree with devotionals from The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp

--finding out Thursday night that work would be closed on Friday so I could sleep in and not have to worry about navigating icy roads
--a phone chat in the middle of the day with my friend who lives in London and had seen that I would be home due to the ice
--thick socks, blankets, layers, and a hat
--getting to start and finish two books
--provision: shelter, electricity, food, clothes
--not having to drive anywhere or run any errands
--Christmas music
--strength and safety as I shoveled the driveway (a first)

--finding out last night that work would be closed today, so I didn't have to figure out the situation with the roads
--quietness of the neighborhood with no traffic
--sound of icicles dripping
--a time to be still and focus

If you endured the ice storm, what were your favorite moments?

1 comment:

Krista Sanders said...

I want one just like this again!