Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Update

What I'm Pondering:
Jen Hatmaker's post on grace is a must-read here.

Amy's post on the Verge conference makes me want to "Just Go" next year.

And Ann Voskamp's most recent post on radical living tears me apart in a good way.

What I'm Listening To:
I just received the Passion 2013 CD, and it is sing-along, dance-along worthy.  Excellent.

What I'm Reading:
I've continued "eating" books lately, including Sacred Search by Gary Thomas.  It's just as good as his prior book Sacred Influence.

Today, I just finished reading a book on the benefits of apple cider vinegar.  Sounds random, I know.  But my mother recommended it, and I'm on board for trying a teaspoon in a cup of water a couple of times a day because I'm not the best when it comes to eating veggies. 

I'm about two-thirds of the way through Brene Brown's latest book called Daring Greatly.  The language isn't all clean, but the conclusions that she shares on her twelve-year study of shame and vulnerability is eye-opening.  I'm still wrapping my mind around the first four chapters.  Very interesting read.  (Please excuse the coconut oil fingerprints all over the cover.)


What I'm Enjoying:
It's springtime, and although the pollen has wreaked havoc on my sinuses, I love seeing what God is up to in nature.  Things that looked dead just a few weeks ago are now budding, reminding me that He is a Restorer and an amazing Artist and Creator. 

What are you enjoying right now?


Momma Bean said...

Daring Greatly is on my list to read soon. You've given me several good links to follow :)

Emily said...

I have vivid memories of my dad taking a spoon full of cider vinegar and honey in hot water every evening after dinner. I am also loving spring. It's my favorite season!

Krista Sanders said...

Oh, these books. Thanks for so many great suggestions. Emily? What? Alyssa-- the vinegar thing-- we need to talk. I remember my grandaddy doing that. You will have to fill me in on why.

Margie said...

Years ago, I heard a little apple cider vinegar in orange juice helped alleviate body aches. So, about a year ago, I began doing that every morning and still do! I don't know - it could be a wives tale - but I figure I'll keep it up until I hear otherwise.